Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hm. To be flattered, or creeped out? I'm leaning more towards flattered.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm so, so tired. I can't ever get more than 6 hours of sleep before work. But it seems like every day, I'm meeting at least one new person, or running in to people I haven't seen in years. New friends, old friends... It's refreshing. It's what's keeping me going right now. Keep it comin', world.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Strange night. Went to a toga party; I can honestly say that's the most college-y thing I've done yet.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Amazing, the fact that the mere sight of you is like rubbing salt into a wound I thought was long ago healed. Even more amazing is that you have no idea. You have no idea how disposable you made me feel. I thought I was over it, but I'm not. I'm not over it because it keeps happening.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I wish I were more fashionable.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Such a great ending to an awfully short summer break! Ben, Christen, and I went up to Michigan this weekend to visit Michele at her new apartment in St. Joseph, and it's right on Lake Michigan. It's such a beautiful town, and it was lovely to be at the beach again. The Great Lakes really are gorgeous. While we were up there, we met up with Scott and Sarah; it was so awesome to see them again. Five of the eight friends from the Guatemala trip reunited, haha. Lots of beach going, drinking, sand volleyball, wine tasting, good eats, and wonderful company. I didn't want to leave this afternoon, but I'm super glad I went. Each of those people makes me smile more than they know, and I'm so lucky to have met any of them. <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good, good day with my mom and aunt. A little bit of Cincinnati exploration. We went to Terry's Turf Club, which is a bit of a dive with great [gargantuan] burgers. Went to Jungle Jim's international market, too; I really love that place. On the way home, we went to one of my favorite chicken places, too: Cooper's, in Carrollton. Rawr, so much food. Time to be lazy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yesterday was great; it was just one of those days that held no plans at the beginning, but ended up being awesome nonetheless. I tried (and failed) to help Amy win the Genesis Diamond Dash, haha. That was fun despite our losing- it was like a scavenger hunt around downtown Louisville. On the way home, Deidre called and I ended up hanging out with her, Steven, and Devin for the rest of the day. Among many things, we ended up playing RapStar... which is ridiculously fun, needless to say.

Such a silly, unexpectedly fun day. I need more of those.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What an awesome past few days it's been. Cedar Point was fantastic (-ly sweaty), and we met some cool people along the way.

On another note, I have this awful tendency of liking guys with girlfriends. I find out that he's taken, and I'm all the more likely to crush. Is it that knowledge that I can't have him that keeps me interested? "He" isn't anyone specific... not really. I do this a lot, and it's kind of a problem.