Tuesday, December 15, 2009

With every happy thought comes a sad one. I now realize that, at every milestone in my life, I'm going to remember her. I'm trying to enjoy these things and be proud, as I know she would want me to, but I wish she could enjoy them with me. I miss her laugh so much, and how tone-deaf she sounded when she sang. I wish I could dream about her. I've been trying to lucid dream, and I'm positive that's the first thing I would want to do. Even if all I can do is see her face. One blue eye. A small nose. A strand of dark brown hair... Something from her. I've been lucky enough to have a new friend come into my life around the same time she was taken, which makes me both infinitely happy and sad. I wish I could introduce them. I wish a lot of things, don't I?

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