Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Internet, it's sad but true: Facebook encourages stalking. It's not so much "encouragement" as it is pressure, really. So many people are like... books that I've been meaning to pick up. I'm afraid that they're much cooler only from the outside or in summarized form... and I'm afraid they'll find the same of me. I over-think these things, I'm sure. Note, also, that I don't want to seem like a creeper, and add people that I've recently met (but seem completely intriguing)... but in trying to avoid looking like a creeper, I become a true creeper. I think it might be murdering what little social capabilities I have left in me.


  1. Just remember the the real purpose of the internet!
    [this always amuses me]

    To comment on your entry: Facebook does definitely encourage stalking. I think we all end up going over the whole "oh-em-gee I want to friend this person but I don't want to be like hiiiii my name is Awkwardfaced Munchkintoes" -- not that you have munchkintoes, but it was just the first thing that popped into my head.

    In conclusion: Facebook kills human contact for all of us.
    [That wasn't very comforting was it? Oops. Oh well. Sorry about that... at any rate, I hope you enjoy the video!]

  2. Oh, good ol' Avenue Q. Also, it's funny that you would call me anything "Munchkintoes," because I in fact have awkward finger-toes.
