Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm an awful friend, and I hate the person I've become. I'm trying to change it, but I feel that the more I try, the more I dislike myself. I can't keep myself from running in circles.


  1. Don't. You are a good person. Hate where you are, not who you are.

  2. What makes you call me a good person? :/

  3. You are a fantastic person. (This is actually a different anonymous person than the one who posted the comment above, although I heartily agree with them.) I wouldn't say you're an awful friend; you've got a lot on your plate and that's totally understandable. It doesn't make you an awful friend.

  4. Second anonymous is correct (this is the original). Don't blame yourself for other people's problems and mistakes. In all the time I've known who, you've never been an awful friend... and the only times you thought you were it was not your fault. It's easy to prove anything using faulty evidence. And what makes me call you a good person? I could write a list... but I don't have time. Let's go with the fact you truly care about your friends, you honestly try, and you have an amazing taste in music.

  5. Well, thank you- both of you... whoever you are.
