Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm now 19 years old. As birthdays usually go, this one is no different. The concept of celebrating a birthday is one that I've never been able to fully grasp. Seems narcissistic, at times, to celebrate your own life, when there are thousands of people doing the same thing that same day and they think they're just as unique as you do. I feel no different, and I guess that's okay. That's normal. These are things that I've long ago accepted. But, this is the first birthday during which I haven't heard from her; it's one of the few things about my birthday that I've always looked forward to. ...No call, with her singing tone-deafedly on the other end. No facebook comments or messages or stupid e-cards. No mail.

The one person in the world that I wanted to hear from on my birthday won't say a thing. I don't know why that should hurt today more than any other day, but it does.

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