Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wow... I haven't heard from you in months, and that's it? Ouch. I guess I'm not easily missed.


  1. :/ People can be really stupid sometimes. Obviously it sounds like this person doesn't understand how wonderful you are.

    My only hope is that my words, simple as they may be, can provide a shred of comfort to you at times. I know it's always weird hearing from an anonymous person (the soul of the internet, I suppose), but I think about you all the time. That sounds creepy but I promise it's not. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to accomplish specifically, but I suppose I also want to serve as a reminder that you are never alone, and that you're surrounded by people who love you. And if they can't be bothered to realize how amazing you really are, then I shall hunt them down and pinch them. (I would do more horrible things but I suppose this is what I get for being a pacifist, I can't think up more creative punishments.) But they shall be pinches OF DOOM.

    Happy belated birthday, by the way.

  2. As kind as this comment is, it's unnerving trying to figure out who you are. WHY DO YOU SOUND LIKE SO MANY OF MY FRIENDS? D:

  3. Maybe alla yo' friends are sounding like me, word. Or maybe we just all think alike.

    (I'm really sorry that this must be really unnerving for you but I'm heartily reluctant about revealing myself.)

  4. Heartily reluctant? Why is this, might I ask?

  5. I suppose that if I revealed who I really am, you might not... trust me? Not "trust," because that sounds wrong, but it's something along those lines. I don't want to be like "OH HEY I AM _______" and you be like, "You've been this person all this time? Why didn't you tell me?" I am rather bad at telling people things, I suppose (I suppose too many things) but I've respected you for quite some time (why is that in the past tense? I still respect you, I think quite highly of you) and I suppose (once more) that should I reveal myself, I will come off as being a creeper.

    ... did any of that make sense? :/ I think the short version is this: I wish I could tell you who I am but I'm afraid you'll disown me for peeking into your thoughts, essentially. Not that you're the disowning sort, but I wonder if it feels weird for you to know that people read this.

  6. People aren't infallible. You, or, especially, them. Embarrassment can be a horrible way to lose a friendship. I doubt you were talkin' about me, but I still read your blog. I just have no idea what to do.
    I'm really sorry I missed your birthday... I hope it was as good as it could have been...

  7. Mr./Mrs. Anonymous, I post this for it to be read. I would neither disown you nor find it weird to know who you are, but if you're uncomfortable letting me know, by all means, it can be your secret. I enjoy your comments nonetheless.

    Hrm. Who said anything about embarrassment?

  8. Nothing had to be said

  9. o_o ... can I have some elaboration, please? I honestly don't know what you're referring to. :\

  10. Oh, not much. Sorry to confuse you, I guess I was confused, too.

  11. Oh dear, two different Anonymeese are posting! Those two comments were from the person who did NOT post the first comment on this thread. Hahaha. I suppose it would be easier with names, wouldn't it?

  12. Yes... it really would be. :( I'm extremely lost...

  13. Okay. I am the first anonymous (aka Anonymous A). I wrote the first few comments, up until the one marked 12:11 AM. Then someone else commented (Anonymous B, let's say) with the "People aren't infallible" comment and everything afterwards, eg the embarrassment thing. I am the one who commented at 9:25 PM saying there were two different people.

    ... I feel like that was potentially more complicated than it should have been. Maybe I should start commenting with a name or something. I have only just realized you can do that!

  14. Hahaha. That's convenient. I thought I knew who Anonymous B was, but then the embarrassment thing... agh, I have no idea what's going on.

  15. I like that... I can be B... is that good? I like that... :)

  16. Perhaps one day I shall reveal myself, but for now, this is pretty cool :)

  17. Hay, can I haz join partay?

  18. You'll eventually know who we are...

  19. "Eventually"? This is either exciting or foreboding. Perhaps it's both.

  20. I am just wondering... do you have everyone off your chat, or just me?

  21. Because how can we talk if we can't talk?

  22. ...do I have you 'off my chat'? I guess you mean facebook chat? In which case, I'm gonna assume that you're not one of a small group I have removed from it. I've wondered, myself, why I haven't seen you on there... if I'm thinking of the right person, of course.
