Thursday, June 24, 2010

In a calculus quiz today, my professor gave one instruction but expected something else to be worked out. I asked him directly about it during the quiz, and he told me you only had to do [insert calculus jargon], but apparently you had to do [more calculus jargon], as well, although there were no instructions indicating such things. It was apparently needed on the next problem. Regardless, I spoke to him after class, and he was incredibly rude to me. I can't remember being this angry, in a long, long time; after talking to him, I was so furious I was almost crying. He wasn't outrightly rude, but spoke with a subtle, all the more belittling rudeness. This happened well over six hours ago and I still feel completely irate. It's not even about a stupid fucking quiz anymore; I just don't remember ever being this offended. I've spent so much time being sad for nearly a year, I've forgotten what it felt like to be this angry. I'm having a difficult time trying to keep myself from snapping at everyone I meet.

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