Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm so happy for Deidre and Steven Muncy. They are one of the only couples that have ever made sense to me. They've been together for 6 of the 9 years I've known Deidre; I'm happy to call both of them a friend. I admire them because they're together for all the right reasons, which isn't something that can be said for a lot of couples. It's not awkward or third-wheelish hanging out with the both of them, because they're like two halves of a whole, and they make each other better: more confident, more comfortable. They've each opened up so much more, the longer they've been together. I feel like I've watched them blossom and grow so much, and it's easy to see how they've helped one another grow and continue to do so. I feel so honored to have been a part of their big day. <3

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