Saturday, December 31, 2011

The end of another year... weird. As I get older, one year is a smaller fraction of my life; so each year seems shorter than the last. Time's funny like that, I guess.

I had a fantastic day. I hope this means that 2012 is going to be fantastic, too.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Feels nice to have a date scheduled in the near future.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Every time I'm shown the slightest bit of attention (and these times are far and few, mind you), it seems that each bit of sanity I possess just leaks from me. Who is this neurotic, clingy infant? That couldn't be me, could it?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I attended my first ugly Christmas sweater party last night. I adorned myself with a horrible turtleneck and Christmas sweater vest, as well as battery-operated multicolored Christmas lights; they twinkled. I tried hooch, and it's not as disgusting as it sounds. I met a lot of cool people. I babysat an inebriated, newly 21-year-old Rachel. I was asked for my number, and gave it.

Yeah, I'd say it was a pretty cool night.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Spring Break. Europe.

This just might happen.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Yesterday, while driving to work (which is something I don't often do; I usually take the bus), it was extremely foggy. The fog was so dense, I could only see one car in front of me-- if I was lucky. But there's something beautiful and mysterious about fog, albeit dangerous to drive in. It shrouds the things we're so used to seeing.

I was nearing work, passing the 22nd street on-ramp on I-64E when the sun came into view. Obstructed by the fog, it appeared to be flattened. It looked two dimensional, dimmed. Not five seconds later, the fog had completely cleared, and there stood the city, shining in brilliant shades of pink, orange, and yellow. It was the most gorgeous view of Louisville's skyline I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. I couldn't keep the "wow" from falling out of my mouth. It filled me with this feeling that I can't place-- is it nostalgia? For something so fantastic and unlike any sunrise I've ever seen, that wouldn't make much sense... but I could swear that's what it was.

I'm having trouble placing a lot of feelings lately. I thought I knew what I wanted, but as I'm closing in on the end of the year and the time I should have this decision made, I'm having doubts.