Sunday, May 9, 2010

Classes tomorrow, once again. The quickness of college never ceases to surprise me... and it's making me feel so old.


  1. I feel like you should drive around blasting "Telephone" by Lady Gaga and you should shake your head around like both Gaga and Beyonce. I don't know why I suggest this, other than it sounds like something fun to do. Especially at night. I don't think it works quite as well at eight in the morning.

  2. Also, I found this and thought of you:

  3. I don't know if I should say, "That's sweet," or "Crap, I must be a total wimp if someone sees something about crying and thinks of me first." Haha.

  4. You're not a wimp. You've been through a lot lately and I know tears have been shed. But it's so true, you are alive... I'm so thankful for you.

  5. I might be thankful for you... but I can't be sure, what with this anonymous business and all.
