Saturday, April 2, 2011

Before I die, I want to learn to play the piano, and I want to pick up my flute again and play as well as I used to. I want to learn sign language, both ASL and in Spanish, to be able to talk to Elvira if I go back to Guatemala. I want to bike for over twenty miles. I want to learn either German, or French, or a little bit of both, so I can study abroad during my senior year and not have issues communicating. I want to do each of these things just as much as the other.... and it makes me wish that I had more time in each day.

Whenever I'm trying to get motivated, I always think of that RAtM lyric, "It has to start somewhere; it has to start some time. What better place than here? What better time than now?" I think we're so stuck on the idea of bucket lists and resolutions, we're constantly postponing our goals and the things we truly want to do. I hope that I can make myself step out of that pattern.

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