Sunday, April 3, 2011

Last night was superb, in an unexpected way. A good friend of mine was drunk and talking to me, which is always very interesting to me. I think people are so real when they're drunk, just as people are so real when they're crying or when they've been rejected. There are simply times when people show a side that is not often shown, but is very much them.


  1. Also, Trina is awesome, and conducive to fun timez. We ate pizza and chinese food and I had a giant Reese's egg. And we watched a semi-shitty movie along with the Boondock Saints. Good Saturday was good. ♥

  2. Glad to hear you two had a nice Saturday :)

    Drunkenness is very weird. It brings out different sides of everyone... for me, I think it brings out all the emotion that I tend to repress, which makes things kind of weird.
