I want to...
- Explore the state I live in. I feel like there are so many things I overlook.
- Start a blog for new food Fridays with Trina.
- Go west. See the giant sequoias and the Grand Canyon and rainy beaches. See something different.
- Go skydiving.
- Get a bike, and ride it often.
- Make more of an effort to look decent.
- Learn to play the piano, or pick up the flute again-- or both.
- Find an apartment and a roommate, or find a way to live alone comfortably.
- Be a runner (not just go running occasionally, like I do now).
- Expand EWB at U of L: get more people interested and informed, find more service opportunities, and plan our next trip.
I like lists; they give me purpose.
The only problem with the blog is figuring out which site to use, lulz. <3