Monday, May 16, 2011

"Never Let Me Go" hit me so much harder the second time around. As I often do while watching romantic movies, I put myself into this selfish bubble, overflowing with the feeling of "I will never know a love like that." And it's sad, it really is, that I envy a life as horrid as that, but I do... I really do. I feel like I will never love. I feel like I can't.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. The horror and tragedy of the book struck me harder upon re-reading it (and upon writing two papers about it...). It's simply so powerful. Not just the love that Kathy and Tommy have, but also the friendship the three of them share. I know I have felt that sort of closeness, but I am worried that I have let it slip away, and that I will never properly be able to feel that way.

    Having said this, I think you do love actively, although it's not the same sort of love that NLMG presents. It's sort of a more understated, quiet love... but I think it has a lot to do with your trust and loyalty to your friends, if that makes any sense.
