Thursday, March 25, 2010

I just read another poem by e. e. cummings, and I really connected with it... "You Are Tired (I Think)." I'm not even sure if I think it was particularly remarkable. But, near the end of it, I had to brace myself for the chills I knew were coming. I had to actually close my eyes and recover from it. Sometimes, things seem so fucking beautiful and I wonder why I'm ever sad; too bad that's the most fleeting feeling I'm capable of.


  1. Why is e. e. cummings so beautiful?

  2. Definitely a good question. I'm not sure I have the answer just yet. Some of his work seems so stream of consciousness, it's like it was slurped directly from his mind, completely unfiltered. The rawness of it is enough to gain beauty status in my mind.
