Thursday, March 4, 2010

An old friend called me around 2AM this morning, crying about Melanie. It's not that she's just found out; she went to the funeral with me... she needed someone to talk to, I guess. It was nice, hearing her voice, and talking to her about Melanie. She was crying so much, and... I feel completely numb. I don't think I can cry about it anymore; the fact that I still can't grasp it is somewhat to blame, I'm sure. What concerned me much more, though, is that I could find nothing comforting to say. It seems that so many people look to me for advice and ease... neither of which I have even for myself. I feel useless.


  1. Sometimes there are no words, and all the comfort you really need to say is not really what you say. Sometimes just knowing you have someone out there listening to you is more comforting than having the right words to say. I think maybe she appreciates knowing that she isn't alone in the ordeal.

    You are not useless. You're coping. There's a difference. Being useless means that there is absolutely nothing you do for anyone. I do not believe this is true.

    You are the bravest person I know. Please keep strong.

  2. I sure don't feel useful. But thanks...
