Saturday, May 28, 2011

You don't make a bit of sense sometimes... but at least you know. At least my bluntness wasn't in vain. I'm glad that you're going to try to be better.
Finally got through my week of hell. Hopefully got some decent grades to show for it...? Maybe?

At least it is a long weekend now. :3

Monday, May 23, 2011

I miss you. Come baaaaaack. :(
Last week was so crazy and full of life in comparison to this week. I want to curl up and have a Harry Potter marathon and too much sleep. Here's to finishing up this structural analysis homework, and preparing for that communications presentation, instead!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I don't think you have any idea as to how much you brighten my life, as well as the lives of others. I've only known you for a few months, but I feel as if I've known you for years. You've made such an impact on me already. It's amazing how quickly a trip can bring people together- but, I suppose you, of all people, would know that.

Your adventurousness and childlike sense of curiosity inspire me. I love that you make every effort to get me out of my comfort zone. Even more amazing to me is that you're so insightful! You have the energy of a child, but the soul of a wise man. I don't know how you do it.

You truly, in every sense of the word, amaze me.

Watching you get on that bus... well, it sucked, to say the least. So until the next time, I'll keep my thoughts on all of these silly, fun, profound, and assorted drunken memories you left here, instead. Louisville couldn't handle you full-time just yet, anyway, you crazy animal.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Never Let Me Go" hit me so much harder the second time around. As I often do while watching romantic movies, I put myself into this selfish bubble, overflowing with the feeling of "I will never know a love like that." And it's sad, it really is, that I envy a life as horrid as that, but I do... I really do. I feel like I will never love. I feel like I can't.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I want to...
- Explore the state I live in. I feel like there are so many things I overlook.
- Start a blog for new food Fridays with Trina.
- Go west. See the giant sequoias and the Grand Canyon and rainy beaches. See something different.
- Go skydiving.
- Get a bike, and ride it often.
- Make more of an effort to look decent.
- Learn to play the piano, or pick up the flute again-- or both.
- Find an apartment and a roommate, or find a way to live alone comfortably.
- Be a runner (not just go running occasionally, like I do now).
- Expand EWB at U of L: get more people interested and informed, find more service opportunities, and plan our next trip.

I like lists; they give me purpose.
I keep having dreams that I'm walking on the beach with shoes on. I can smell the ocean, hear the waves, but I can't bring myself to look up from my shoes. My shoes, sinking in the sand, slowly filling up with it. My shoes, impossible to remove.

This dream is stressing me out.

Friday, May 6, 2011


And, just as predicted, I miss the beach already.
Etched into the wall of a bathroom near Mobile, Alabama: "KKK". Beneath it, "Ignorance is bliss."


Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's so, so hard to say good-bye to the beach. I walked along it this evening, knowing that it will be quite some time before I see it again... and as crazy as it sounds, it was just as difficult as parting with a close friend. I love it just as much as a close friend, haha. The sand, the shells, the open sky, the way the horizon blends into the ocean... the feeling of being completely insignificant while viewing it, smelling it, feeling it on your skin, in your hair. Feels infinite.

It's a feeling unlike any other. I'm easily attached to people and places, and I suppose this is no exception, but... I want so badly to live near the ocean someday.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I just saw the most beautiful family at the grocery store. Two young parents, a little boy, and a baby girl. The father was absolutely gorgeous (not that the rest of them weren't)... it seriously hurt me to see them walk away. Anyone else ever miss someone they've never met?