Friday, October 28, 2011

Overheard someone say, "Now, I don't wanna see you without a cocktail in your hand for the next three days." Alcoholism: good, friendly advice.
Another person told me that I have a "way with words." Just a couple weeks ago, two different people called me witty. These are by far the best compliments I've received in years. At least, they've been my favorite. Keep 'em comin', folks, and I'll try to keep up the good work, haha.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sometimes, it takes an awful person or situation to remind us of the important things. Although these occurrences can be awkward, nearing painful, it's good that they happen. They keep our character in check. Tonight, I've been reminded to avoid being bitter, demeaning, and selfish. I've been reminded that there's a time and a place to say certain things; some of our thoughts can be extremely insulting once they're out in the open. I've been reminded to give everything a chance, and to stay adventurous and curious.

With many situations like this one, good things come, too. A company I'm interested in working with actually corresponded with me (via written note)! At the last ASCE meeting, representatives from this company presented, and after their presentation I spoke with one of them. About the future, her profession, my interests in that company. She told me to email her my resume, so I did. I didn't expect anything, but I think I might have gained a friend out of it all. Also, she passed my resume on, and the woman who received it sent me a letter and more information about the company, warmly letting me know that there were no current opportunities, but that I'm welcome to stay in contact and that she'll let me know if anything changes. Sure, it's not an interview; it's not a job offer. But it's more than any company has ever done for me. She treated me like a human being. And now I want to work for this company all the more.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I get upset from the silliest things.

If I always know it's so silly, why do I let it upset me? Why am I brooding even now? I guess because I'm sick of being alone.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm so happy for Deidre and Steven Muncy. They are one of the only couples that have ever made sense to me. They've been together for 6 of the 9 years I've known Deidre; I'm happy to call both of them a friend. I admire them because they're together for all the right reasons, which isn't something that can be said for a lot of couples. It's not awkward or third-wheelish hanging out with the both of them, because they're like two halves of a whole, and they make each other better: more confident, more comfortable. They've each opened up so much more, the longer they've been together. I feel like I've watched them blossom and grow so much, and it's easy to see how they've helped one another grow and continue to do so. I feel so honored to have been a part of their big day. <3

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I might be more nervous than she is... and that thought makes me even more anxious. Haha.

Monday, October 17, 2011

If you are not very careful, your possessions will possess you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I dreamed that I transferred out of engineering school to an entirely different major. It was both a dream and a nightmare. I thought of all the effort and sleepless nights I had put into calculus and physics and everything, and it was an awful, regretful feeling. But I felt hope about the new major.

I wonder what it was.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It seems like there's no one I can rely on. I feel very much alone.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I wish I could erase you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What a strange, beautiful day. Lunch with Kishan and Craig, visiting Yuko, and hangouts with Tanner. I like days like this. Full of interaction.

Additionally, Kishan, Craig and I went to a palm reader... whether or not she had true talents, no one can be sure. But she really was spot on about some of my traits. She said that I worry a lot; sometimes about things that I should worry about, sometimes about things I shouldn't. That I've created a personality and run with it; I've been doing this so long that I'm not sure who I really am. She also said some off-the-wall (but not totally unappealing) things about me working with children in the future, love finding me when I'm not looking for it, marrying a man in the military, having three children with him, and raising them on the beach. "Blue waters and warm sands," she said. Not too shabby for a fictional future, huh?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mixed signals.

I would say, "Not cool." But I probably do the same thing... I'm inept at having normal relationships.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Open bars are not your friend.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I made it through September. We made it through September.

I'm so glad the worst month is through.